
I’ve started a blog I’m taking somewhat seriously over at Adventures in Wonderland. That is a media heavy blog, and by extension it means writing there requires far more mental effort and time than I always want to give.

I wanted to create a daily ramblings site also so I could record some data about my life, things like:

  • when did I wake up?
  • what/when did I eat?
  • any points to remember about the day?
  • did I drink today?
  • major things that happened today

Given how much Hugo is rocking my world, I grabbed the excellent Anatole minimalist theme and quickly whipped together this. I’m very interested in doing some cool stuff on the somewhat empty sidebar, like:

  • days since last drink
  • longest streak of going to the gym
  • average sleep hours etc

This is going to require a markdown parser and some other things, but I’m hoping to add it to the build process soon.

In making this I decided to expand its scope. In the same repo as this I added in a sqlite database powered by Directus and built a very quick workout log tracker. Hosting everything in the same repo on sqlite database means I don’t need to mess around with setting up remote databases and all the misery I’ve had in the past loosing that data. Eventually I’ll export/publish this information too!