
Was hangover day.

I went with Jeff to get a cloth shade cloth, but unfortunately I’d misconstrued what I wanted. He thought I wanted heavy-duty tarp for long term boat protection but that is obviously far from what I need.

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Did a lot of work on the boat today, managed to strip a whole lot of shit out of it. Had an epic dinner with Emilio, and saw some even more epic storms.

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I went and dug out my old GoPro’s - the Hero4 Mini still works well, but the Hero4 I couldn’t get to work.

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We went out to this cool as fuck mechanics place in the sort-of-hills. We did this to check that Hugo’s RX8 bumper could be fixed

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Ok, today was an immigration fail. The general story is that even though my criminal record was officially translated and had apostille, they had to do an online check thing for it to confirm it.

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I went to bed at 1am and got woken up at 2:30am by Tommy spamming shit about making bread on signal. Fucking christ that sucked and ruined me for most of the day. REM sleep murder is a real thing and it hurts.

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I went to novey to try to construct some shade sails but had no luck. I did end up getting some shade sails though which was a win - except they didn’t really fit for what I needed them for.

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Went with hugo to the bank to sort out immigration stuff. Spent hours there, only for their system to fuck up meaning I still can’t bank online in Panama

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Worked on the boat in the heat yesterday, accomplished a few major tasks like taking the main sail off the mast. It was brutally hot and it basically put me on my ass, but looking at it I began to understand what I needed for this boat to make it a reality.

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Woke up today feeling absolutely wrecked, like destroyed beyond fucking belief. Yesterdays humidity and heat just broke me. My entire back and body is still and full of cramps and aches and pains - it just shows how fucking weak I’ve let it become. I went and had a coffee in the morning with Emilio and Daniel on the boat - was a great way to start the day.

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