
I’ve been shitting all day. I ate multiple types of hotsauce for breakfast and not more than 2 hours later I was endlessly shitting. Whatever I’ve eaten it’s all coming out of me, not even sure it was the hot sauce.

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Woke up super early and went to the supermarket to purchase an insane amount of condiments and hotsauce. I have some meat that is 1.5 days out of due date, but I figure that 10 hours in the slow cooker will sterilise most of the bad stuff.

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Dave asked me to become a partner at ED today. I gave it a tentative yes, but I don’t really know if its my jam hey. I’d much prefer just to be running more projects and cutting code whilst I build the boat.

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Another beautiful Panamanian morning

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No data for this day.


Recovery day. Ate no food though 🤙


Look how fucking fluffy my hair is.

Jeff came over. His old man doesn’t have long left so we got on the pints and packets

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Absolutely beautiful Panamanian morning.

Went to barber for the first time in a year, and got my hair cut for the first time in maybe 6 months. Fluffy as fuck.

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Note - I wrote the below based on notes left on 2023-07-13 04:31am. The first statement is pretty ominous.

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No data about this day.

(Note - I wrote the below based on notes left on 2023-07-13 04:31am)

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