
I had redbull today for the first time in like a year - man I hate that shit but it was the only way I could overcome the exhaustion. Fuckity fucksticks the tiredness is real. I think thats why I ended up crashing out so hard.

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General day of being absolutely exhausted. Took a day off work just so I could sleep.

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Had starbucks again. Derp.

Have basically wasted most of my day again, but such is life. Going to jump into some purescript again to wet that whistle, its been a while and I’m feeling a bit dry with it.

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Hangover day. Woo.

Went for a walk in the rain at 4am to get food. That was pretty rad.

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I’m getting convinced that part of the reason my sleep is fucked is the aircon. I can’t exactly explain why, but I feel better getting up in the morning and sleeping in the loungeroom (which I have at regional temperature/no aircon). Its really strange and maybe I’m projecting, but hey, who knows…

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Recovery day.



Woke up today feeling like absolute horses ass sack. I’m so crushed with tiredness its a disease man. I didn’t go to bed until like ~5am maybe, so I guess it was a solid 8 hours sleep so I can’t complain too much.

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Man, do I have the monday blues, although thats a misnomer because my “monday” is really a . I ended up staying awake until like 7:00am and crashed out hard.

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Another hungover Saturday. Stupid waste of time.