Man, do I have the monday blues, although thats a misnomer because my “monday” is really a . I ended up staying awake until like 7:00am and crashed out hard.
Read more2023-05-13
Another hungover Saturday. Stupid waste of time.
Got boozey at Shawns bar. It was pretty cool - I rocked up at 2:30am which is awesome.
Read more2023-05-11
Woke up feeling absolutely rough. as. guts. Fuck.
My boy Josh has been making great progress with learning to programme. Its been good coaching a mate into this shit - you always have to be careful about the way that you do certain things, especially with friends, but he’s stuck with it, worked hard, and is doing really, really well. Super stoked for him.
Read more2023-05-08
I woke up today with a belly fully of meat from last night. I only had something like 5? hours sleep, but I’m not sure so I rounded up my sleep hours but I dunno. I’ve felt wrecked all day and its almost certainly a result of the weekends cocaine binge. I really, really, really don’t like feeling this way and I’m stopping it.
Read more2023-05-07
Moved to nushell
today as a new experiment. It has been pretty good so far, but there are a few niggles to sort out. What I will say is that I’ve never migrated my tooling so much in the last ~10 years as I have in the last 3 months. Good times and has been totally worth it, as it’s forced me to actually regain control of all of my shells and init scripts etc.
Stupid coke recovery day, but in other news I had no coffee and no food; so can confirm cocaine diet is a thing.
Read more2023-05-05
I couldn’t sleep at all, so I went on a great nearly 2 hour walk around 4am -> 6am in the morning.
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