
Ended up getting hammered all day, including calling my boy Smithy. Ended up going for a drink with Hugo too - basically we were just absolutely wrecked. Here is a video of us pissy driving through the quarry section of the canal. Not much more to say :D

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Woke up at 8, then fell asleep again until like 1pm. Pretty sure its a hybrid of those breakup feels and probably the coke from the other day. Total unwind, woke up feeling amazing.

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Watched Tusk and its hilarious. The negative reviews are totally unwarranted.

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Yesterday was the first day I really felt the breakup. Its been 5 days, and whilst the breakup was meant to happen the reality is after 3 years and 8 countries together it still hurts a wee little bit :)

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Strong recovery day.


Major neovim updates today. Finally have control of my config and it feels it great to start working with it properly. Installing the Treesitter grammars is amazing and has made stuff so much better.

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Woke up feeling a little rough but not too bad. Am legitimately missing Nami already :D :(

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Finally started repairing my blog today. It is great to go back over the last 6-8 weeks and fill in those missing details and memories.

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Nami left for America today! Goodbye sweet princess, was a great 3 years. Your body will live forever emblazoned on this blog.

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Namis final day today. She leaves to America tomorrow morning and that, as they say, is the end of us. Here is a final happy shot.

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