
No data for this day, but we have some videos 🤷

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We went to the best restaurant in Panama and had an amazing time! The place had a cherry blossom tree in a secret/private bar thing to the side too, which was absolutely fucking awesome.

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No real data for this day - Nami leaving soon so we are spending the last few nights together having fun.

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I saw Randy today and yeah - shit is fucked.

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Woke up this morning and my boy had paid me $6.5k back into my account. Fuck yeah. I’m going to get a services agreement today and send an invoice this weekend to Will - hopefully this will get him to pay me and my life will be sorted financially (and hopefully boatfully too).

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I had my first starbucks frappacino today. It was a big sugary icey slightly-coffee flavoured cup of happiness. I won’t have wont again but the experience was worth it 🤙. I can also see why American’s are so fat - so many shitty carbs in it, but man if you’ve never had it before and you think coffee tastes that way then I totally get it.

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Finally got fusion across the line. What an absolute shit show of a project, but it felt awesome to see the deployment go well and cleanly 🤙.

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No notes for this day. Derpalerpa.

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Finally fucked off elementary os and installed fedora/nobara. It is astronomically better and linux is actually fun as hell now. After messing around with it all day (I still can’t figure out the tiling window manager, but I think its sway), I’m almost definitely moving to arch at some point pretty soon.

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Nami woke up. Its totally real - we are done. I’m looking forward to being single and free, but it will suck to be alone again.

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