
Nami’s 13" M2 Macbook Pro is awesome. Its super tiny, but powerful enough to do enough meaty work I want one now. I want to fuck this Razer off that I’ve been using and jump onto it, but at this point I think I’m just waisting money on Gadgets. Really need to emphasise the discipline here.

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Woke up at 6:20am feeling better than I have in ages. neovim is finally working for me. Hand isn’t as sore as it has been. Crushed some major work shit. Me and Nami are goodish for now. Life is finally feeling good and thats definitely something to look forward too.

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Finally got the Socket template editor thing off the ground today. Feels fucking great man ❤.

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Fist is so sore from the other night.

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Holy shit. I got into a fight. I beat the absolute piss out of Alfredo. He was pawing and groping Nami all night and I flipped and knocked him out.

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Can’t believe I’m almost a Panamanian resident now. This shit is crazy.

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Holy shit I’m a Panamanian resident! All I need to do is to get an Australian Police Check and deposit 5k USD into a Panamanian bank account and I am good to go! Woo 🤙.

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I had the best nights sleep. Holy shit do I feel better.

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Me and Nami are definitely over. Its very much the whole she’s checked out. Amicable breakup, but she has put me under a lot of financial pressure here. Her fucking up my laptop is going to cost me loads of money for repairs, but she also needs at least 5k back of the money we used of hers. Keep in mind I’ve spent something like 100k on the last year of us travelling around, and currently ED isn’t paying me so well.

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Woke up still feeling like abolute garbage. God damn. Mind you it is ~3:00am so jokes on me I guess?

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