
Nami and I are done. Definitely over. She’s playing some weird breakup and off game and I don’t have time for this.

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Was super epic massively cooked. Today I epicly failed my interview with Functionally. Turns out doing 5grams of Panama White is a fantasic way for the brain to be cooked as fucked as possible for an interviewπŸ₯². I

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Shawns bar was playing some awesome live beats last night. Super fucking rad πŸ€™

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Spent the whole day hung over lol. Didn’t even get out of bed until ~6pm or something 🀦

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Woke up today an body is wrecked. First time working in the sun in ages and holy shit am I sore for it. I still can’t stop thinking about the momentary Zen I felt on the boat though. I need to go back to that life, seriously. Its absolutely amazing.

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Holy shit, everyone here knows everyone else. I met Juan at the docks/ocean and

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First rain in panama! Woo!

The exhaustian is real. No matter what I do I can’t get my sleep schedule back on track. Shit is rough. I’ve also noticed that I’m spending way less time on this blog - I think the effort required to extract the media from my phone is fucking with the workflow. I think if they can’t fix the laptop I’m going to buy a macbook air (~$1600) and get the laptop fixed later.

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I have been so ridiculously parched today. I don’t remember drinking this much water in forever.

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Hangover is real.

Went back out and had another drink at Shawns bar. What an awesome night πŸ€™. This was an “official” night, but the night before was the real opening. Was a cool night regardless - super good vibes all around.

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Met up for a beer with Jared, and got pretty hammered. Got decently drunk - met an old cobba named Erwin-Carl who passed out at El Carajo. Alfredo was sad as hell when I got there, some shit had triggered him.

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