
Hangover is brutal as fuck. Jesus christ 😢.

I finally managed to get some work done re: Meilisearch for ED - it was good to delegate to my minions and let them figure shit out 🤙.

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Woke up having a nightmare that I could’t buy the boat this morning. It terrifies me that I might not be able to live my dream - all of my slowness implementing some tech tests needs to stop, now. Colloquial fire up my ass.

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Ankle was pretty sore after the adventures of last night. Ended up having a 2:30am -> 3:30am meeting with a Ukrainian which was fun.

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Went for my first real walk today in 2 weeks. Ended up getting home around 1:30am. It was awesome and it was great to be semi mobile, but holy shit was my ankle pissed off afterwards.

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Hangover was rough today, but on the good news we managed to distill the ideas of bookie.digital into a pretty concrete format.

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Worked a little bit more through fp made easier. I’m at the part where we use Typeclasses to construct common monads like Either, Option etc. I’m happy I’m forced to do this, but I’m looking very forward to getting into the ADTs like Semirings and Monoids.

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Went out to grab a drink with Alfredo (Lord Blackmouth) but he had to bail early. Ended up meeting some legends (who know Alfredo AND Jared!) and are opening a bar on Saturday, right next to Crowsnest.

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Its Australia day today in relative terms, so my immutablex interview has been rescheduled until Monday. No stress, looking forward to potentially working with these guys. 🤙

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Spent some time on fp made easier today. I’m down to the final 3 exercises, the one about takeEnd melts my mind. I understand the design of what he did, but the implementation is hurting me. I think I need to get a much better sense of the evaluation mechanics of purescript before this one will click.

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This fucking ankle is still miserable, but I finally have some flexion in it.

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