Hangover was real. Entire day was recovery 😅
Went to a beach with Dan Smith. Got lit 🤙
I’ve always wanted a CJ5. They’re so awesome
Read more2022-12-21
Woke up feeling absolute wrecked. I think that normally this is a sign I"m doing something wrong with my life, either with my body or with my work. This has inspired me to really get ontop of my shit again.
Read more2022-12-20
I have an interview for a second role today at a company called https://serenade.co/. The place looks awesome and its a perfect fit for my skill set.
Read more2022-12-19
The struggle is real. hoooo boy.
Well fuck, that was a big night. Met up with Dan Smith for a cheeky beer, ended up meeting a legend from the Colombian Navy who is going to France to enrol in the foreign legion so he can get citizenship.
Read more2022-12-17
Woke up feeling hungover :(
Got drunk last night.
Met someone who was obviously a spy and someone else who was obviously a gangster. Woo.
Read more2022-12-15
Happy birthday to me.
35 years old.
Here is Nami with a tiny puppy being cute and shit.
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