
Resigned from iottag today. After being there for 5 days, the first 3 of which I could barely access anything I had a call with the CEO who said something like “what are you doing we know how to forward ports”.

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Absolutely beautiful day in Santa Marta. Check this shit out.

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Wrote a new article on the professional blog!

Still struggling with AWS + Api Gateway + s3. It is so much reeee.

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Called the owner of Vero and said I’d reconsidered my plans. My original plan was to come in and cut code, but after 2 weeks at Experience.Digital I’d rewritten entire projects and created a brand new template for work.

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Spent all day rewriting the code from this terrible HSI project.

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So much work to do today. Looking forward to getting into it.

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Super long day of work.

Had an interview for a CTO role - we’ll see what happens. The company is on a massive growth trajectory which is exciting, but in general I’m not interested in the industry.

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Good morning world! Santa Marta day 1! What an epic change from Cartagena, it feels so much better to be here.

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