My mate Shmiddy has been taking learning to code seriously. I thought he’d bitch out but he committed and actually did the work. This is fucking awesome; I love seeing lads try new things.
Read more2022-10-23
Woke up at 4am and had the most restless sleep after it. Getting messages from Australia non-stop, bunch of shit going on with different people. The colombians next to me have had a raging party since yesterday, shit is loud as hell and would have pissed off the entire street 😅.
Read more2022-10-22
I woke up today feeling like absolute shit. I had 3 drinks last night (2 cocktails and a beer) and I guess I feel hungover? It’s super bizarre.
Read more2022-10-21
I never remember my dreams, but this morning I woke up and I had a few of them. Normally this means I haven’t done something I know I should have, and my mind is haunted by it.
Read more2022-10-18
Woke up today feeling gross. Last night was the first time in a long time I’d eaten genuinely crap food and I can feel it oozing in my body. Absolutely foul - crap in, crap out, and I think I’m going back to home cooking food again.
Read more2022-10-17
Me and Nami talked and we are almost definitely over. She’s the best but we just aren’t working out and its time to let it go.
Read more2022-10-16
Me and the girlfriend broke up. For realsies. Its been a good 3 years Nami and I hope we made each other better.
Read more2022-10-15
Me and Nami had a massive, relationship ending fight and she went home with Paola. I got home at 6:45am, stuffed the washing in the backpack and headed to the airport. I called Nami when I was home at home and we agreed to go to Cartagena, but this is very much the end of the road for us I think. We got through customs by ~8:00 with our flight boarding at 8:45am having have no sleep.
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