
I’m going to try a new style today where I list out the days objectives/goals vs what I did. I think it might give some colour to what I’m trying to do with this daily update thing.

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Made lots of progress with work related items.

Received my minimalist shoes and they’re actually repurposed water shoes. Reeeeee 🤦‍♂️

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Writing the Datchet blog post made me semi-emotional. I loved that place, but it wasn’t until I started writing it I realised how deep that feeling runs.

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Started reading a book for the first time in 4? years based off a random youtube comment I found. The book is The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu.

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Redoing Paypal transactions today.

Major Events

  • Found out I’d been paying for Shudder. Cancelled that badboy too.
  • Massive work on integrating Paypal and Revolut into my personal accounting system. All Revolut transactions reconciled which is great (only started using it in August)


  • Decided to move transaction reconciliation to a weekly or a fortnightly update - much easier than doing a monthly one
  • I ate delicious chocolate nomnomnom


Spent $1600 in Australian dollars last night on that bar crawl. Fuck that.

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Woke up feeling really tired again.

Started reconciling my August transactions. Its such a scary thing when you see how much money you’ve spent and burned 😢

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I ate pepperoni pizza last night for the first time in ages and I can’t stop shitting now. I’ve been eating almost clean and healthy for the last 5 months and I feel fantastic, and today I feel like shit.

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Made massive progress on building Damocles


Went to a local bar near me that turned out to be a brothel. I don’t care and I’m not interested in call girls, but the fuckers stung me for $1,200 for what should have been a ~$100 bill.

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