
Got woken up by the Tiger at 8:30am. I had a solid 7/8 hours of sleep and woke up feeling absolutely wrecked. I have no idea why the brain is so fried - no drinking and food was decent quality. It must be the after effects of the of the big cocaine bender on the weekend.

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I woke up at like 10am today after going to bed around 4am. Fucking hell - I really need to focus and get some work stuff focused.

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Super generic day at work. The new Fusion guy Ben had to do his first live deployment, and it was hilarious seeing the freakout. I get it bro - this project is so scary to work with.

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Big day of cocaine and staying inside. What an absolute waste of a weekend, but at least I finished off that pillow of gear from 2 weeks ago.

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I finally managed to get all of my old blog content migrated across. It has taken me multiple days over a month to get this done. I had noticed that since I had so much backlogged work to do I hadn’t been consistent in keeping this blog updated.

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Super generic day at work. The new guy at Fusion, Ben, wants to know how to fix the bullshit in the codebase. This was my answer to him:

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I woke up at 6:30am like a fucking robot, ready to go and work on the boat. I felt like absolute dogshit, but I didn’t want to be a bitch about it. I went down to Brisas just to grab a coffee with Emilio, Eric and the crew and it was great to be back on the water.

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I spent some time yesterday formatting my videos to finally fucking upload some new blog content. It’s been very annoying to not be able to post things, and I’ve kind of half heartedly been journaling (or not) because of it. Something switched in the head yesterday and a few minutes later a simple ffmpeg demuxer command had me sorted.

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Super generic day. Woke up and cleaned up the kitchen, including FINALLY taking out the trash. This was something I’d been needing to do for a while, and it felt good to get down to it.

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Watched The House that Jack Built and holy shit was that an epic movie. I did not expect to like a Lars von Trier movie after the nightmare that was Climax I watched with Marcio and Nami. It was absolutely outstanding and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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