
No data recorded for this day. I need to check my records and fix this.

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Adam talked to me about Elixir again, I think we are going full Phoenix at work which is absolutely glorious. I can’t wait to finally expand out into a new technology and information stack.

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Another 9 hours today for Fusion. Shit never fucking ends. Phew.

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Ok, this was a day before we had to go live for Integrate for Fusion. What a fucking nightmare of a fucking day. I had to merge Steves work into mine and get them all to sync up, and it ended up being a 17 hour straight session.

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Woke up at 6:30am, hungover as fuck (or still drunk?!). Like a fucking robot I had to be at the boat by 7am; even though I crawled into bed around 4am or something.

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In a nutshell this day ended up with me being surrounded by a bunch of babes. I don’t even remember seeing them.

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I have recorded absolutely nothing for this day. No data, no metrics and on my phone I have no videos. I am going to try to dig some things up later, but no guarantees.

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No data for this day (again!), but I have a video of a caterpillar which is definitely a thing

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I am writing this on 13/09/2023, but all of my data has been filled out. Normally when this happens it means it was an unbelievably generic. Just a standard work day and walk day.

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I ended up getting a tetanus shot today. It was an interesting experience going to a Panamanian medical clinic - it was just like every other doctors surgery I’ve ever been to, just with a language barrier 😅.

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