
Thursday, August 25

No real hangover after last night, but am generally feeling flat. Got retarded drunk at a bar and acted like a fool. This is why I’ve been cutting down my beverage consumption so much - silly things happen.

Lower back pain has nearly gone - need to start stretching again soon.

I’m writing this at 12:42pm - Odin 🐶 is currently curled up underneath my legs under the blanket being cute as fuck.

We had to go and get Odin a new jumper thing - we were so hammered last night we left his jumper at the bar and wasn’t sure if we could get it back.

Behold him in all his glory
Behold him in all his glory

Major Events

  • Added functionality to this blog
  • New jumper for Odin
  • First run at implementing a markdown parser in OCaml for this blog

Things that Odin did

  • He was sleeping on the bed and dropped a massive, stinky fart. A few seconds later he woke up bewildered and barking. I guess his own stench awoke him from his slumber 💩
  • Every time Nami comes in for a cuddle he jumps on my chest and stops her 😅
  • After taking him for a walk he refused to keep going - I had to carry the little fucker back 🤦‍♂️