
Sunday, October 9

Today was pure recovery from last night. I did only 2 things: went to the toilet and drank 2 bottles of water. Given this I’d like to ruminate on last night to fill this content up.

Jonny Hockey the legend. I went out to play this this aggressive Colombia game called . Basically you put these 4 black-powder filled paper tab things in a target and throw blocks of metal at the board.

Near the end of the night some guy from New York came and talked to me. Him and his business parter (I guess?) had just got some funding and moved down from The Big šŸŽ to do their blockchain shit. The older guy was an ex doctor and he was drunk but seemed cool. The younger guy was just an awkward fuck, to the point where it made the girls uncomfortable.

I spent all today thinking about it, and I realised what it was. He was awkward but not in the “socially different but his own person type” of awkward, but the awkwardness seated in deep-rooted insecurity. I remember we talked briefly about tech and I said I fucking hated python, and he said that Python was the best. I thought I was dealing with a pro here, so I went off about why I despise the language (which can be summed up as being good at nothing but mediocre at everything, which means any “real” work you do with it requires infinite boilerplate or needs to be in a generic sOfTwArE DeSiGn PatTeRn type situation).

Thats when it struck me - the awkwardness was because he was a bullshitter, but not the type of arrogant fuckwit like me who is so self obsessed enough that I’ll bullshit with what I know I can do; if not now then in the near future. This guy had obviously gone and gotten some funding (probably from his doctor mate), but had only surface level understanding of software and system creation, and basically no knowledge of finance nor the math or engineering behind crypto chains (or hashgraph, the one true god).

I know there is a Python dialect that is being used by one of the platforms, so my best is:

  • Full fledged wannabe crypto weenie a bit behind the curve
  • Will build his doomed to fail system in Django
  • Will butcher whatever contract he writes because he lacks the ability to formally prove it and the domain knowledge to make it work.

I know this is an absolute searing of somebody, but I think what tRiGgErS me about this is that I remember I called him awkward (in the fun, jovial Australian way) and he replied with “yeah, I have aNxIeTy”. Bullshit, you’re in a nightclub. Square that circle for me. This isn’t North America where weakness is celebrated, stop using it as a crutch. And if you’re going to take investor money and eventually customer money and run a business and have staff and sign contracts and take responsibility this type of pathetic weakness will get you chewed up and spit out the end in about 2 minutes.

I hate these people in our industry.