
Saturday, October 22

I woke up today feeling like absolute shit. I had 3 drinks last night (2 cocktails and a beer) and I guess I feel hungover? It’s super bizarre.

The lower back is sore from the MMT work yesterday, but only only specific spots especially around the ilium where I massacred the tendons. The back is feeling absolutely fantastic though.

I’m really, really happy with the work I’ve done on the professional website. It feels like its very close to completion now. Once this is done I am looking really forward to focusing back on Damocles.


  • Clean up professional website
  • Write about the MMT work from yesterday.
  • Work.
  • MMT Glutes


  • Website had a massive cleanup. I’m really, really happy with it.
    • I implemented logos AND sub pages for my resume.
    • I finished off the “tech” section, including linking to sub content and pages.
    • Added in lots of “Website under fixing” type messages for missing features.
    • Added a lol when you click my picture on the “about” section
  • For the “subsections” I pulled in lots of resources to show what I’d done. Its crazy how much you forget over time. I’m looking forward to filling in these sections slowly over the next few weeks.


  • Didn’t do MMT glutes