Saturday, October 29
Beautiful day in cartagena today!
Moved to new apartment today, right near the beach.
Way cheaper than the original place in a much better location. We are literally 10 meters from the beach. Check out the sunset!
I spent some learning about rust-lang
. Going to go and have a look at it soon! I also spent a lot of time fucking around with hashicorp nomad
- I’ve built it onto the new base image and am hoping to set up my own container registry and nomad deployment pipeline over the next week or so.
Went and had a few drinks with Nami near our Cartagena place. Its super awesome and is right near the beach ❤️ We were next to some sex club bar thing with these buff gay bouncers 😅

I tried to implement data serialisation into localStorage
on the coding test, but it looks like option
isn’t serialising how I expect it to (or I’m just fucking it up).
Really frustrating.