
Friday, December 9

Decided I want to rewrite my professional site in in Elm. Its been a while since I’ve touched the language so I’m fucking around with it now. Currently using the the CSS-to-Elm extension and its amazing - typesafe CSS come at me bro <3

I’ve got loads of work to do on safari4x4 today. Woo.

Elon you fucking champ. The cockroaches are scurrying around now.

I watched my first Lex Fridman podcast today, with one of my favourite youtubers Coffeezilla. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Fridmans demenaour - I really want to try to emulate it. Also, Coffeezilla is extraordinarily cool and I totally dig his vibe.

I spoke to my long time mate peddles yesterday. It was a great chat - havent spoken for 6 months. First off - the fucker has written 3 novels and started his 4th. What. The. Fuck. Even more so, the absolute legend send me a copy of his first novel to read!

Secondly, speaking to him forced me to create a goal for all of this media content that I’m creating. I finally have a strategy for the whole lot of it and it feels good man. I’ll update the blogs with this new found wisdom soon.