
Tuesday, December 20

I have an interview for a second role today at a company called https://serenade.co/. The place looks awesome and its a perfect fit for my skill set.

I also purchased my first NFT ever on their platform today. 🤙

I wrote a little script to automatically parse and call the video rendering options for the static content on this blog. I have been super slack with this stuff recently, so it was great to be able to be able to get the last 10 days of data extracted and formatted for inclusion.

I’m updating 2022-10-10 -> 2022-10-20 with content.

They rescheduled the meeting. Reeeee 😢

Downloaded a book I’m looking really forward to reading - The Lazarus Heist. Its like pulp non-fiction - should be able to smash it in a day or so. Was good to revamp the old kindle again.