
Thursday, February 2

4 hours sleep. Derp.

Spoke to my mate Ace for an hour about a business in Bali he’s trying to get off the ground. If it works I’m moving there to go and party with the legend πŸ€™.

I spoke to ace at ~7:30am -> ~8:30am, then KO’d until 1pm at about 9:00. Sleep schedule is wrecked.

I’ve gone and spent a bit of time today and updated this blog. The more I do this stuff I realise that being hungover wrecks me and my productivity. Need to cap this shit.

I spoke to Shmiddy today on Discord for the first time in ages. He’s flying out, but its a shame that after ~2 months he’s made no progress on programming. He definitely had potential and could have done it, but hard work is hard work and learning is hard. I’m going to write a post about learning and how another soldier has dropped - not though stupidity but through not accepting the process is hard. Anyway, this has inspired a new blog article - written half of it and will finish the rest later.

Well, the rest of this night got stupid. Ended up getting with Hugo and driving around Panama at 4:00am pumping Massive Attack, only to go and have some cheeky lines at Shawns.