
Wednesday, March 15

Me and Nami are definitely over. Its very much the whole she’s checked out. Amicable breakup, but she has put me under a lot of financial pressure here. Her fucking up my laptop is going to cost me loads of money for repairs, but she also needs at least 5k back of the money we used of hers. Keep in mind I’ve spent something like 100k on the last year of us travelling around, and currently ED isn’t paying me so well.

I’m going to need to talk to Dave this week and make sure that my pay gets boosted to what I need it to be.

Still, here is a photo to the moments when we are sometimes happy.

Spoke to my boy Smithy today - the guy that started programming then didn’t. Was a good catch up - have him working on Nextjx + React now, so hopefully he follows through with this one.

Did some great work with Prendi today - on the home stretch to this nightmare projec 🤙

Here are some beautiful Panamanian photos: