
Tuesday, March 28

I had my first starbucks frappacino today. It was a big sugary icey slightly-coffee flavoured cup of happiness. I won’t have wont again but the experience was worth it πŸ€™. I can also see why American’s are so fat - so many shitty carbs in it, but man if you’ve never had it before and you think coffee tastes that way then I totally get it.


She also leaves in a few day - going to be interesting being single again. I’m not used to it and I’m not really looking forward to it to be honest.

As Rumi says: This too shall pass

Nami booked her exit flights today. She flies out on Tuesday next week - so T-minus 5 days to go until we part forever. Damn, not long to go. She is crying a lot and wants to stay, but my actions in Bogota ~6 months ago really was the end of our relationship I guess.

I can definitely learn something from this. I need to control my alcohol intake and never do that shit again, but also I’m happy I’m free at the moment and can really focus on my goals a bit more tightly.

I wrote a pretty cool intro/corporate guide for Grill'd today for Fusion. 0 response about it from James. Derpalerpa. This is good though - I’m going to be reaching out to Dave on Monday and asking for a 40k pay rise, putting me at 160k. I think this is a fair amount, or I can just go and work for Fusion signage and probably take in a cheeky 200k, BUT I might not be able to get the money offshore like I am now. I’ll have all of this figured out in the next few days, so next pay cycle I have some decent cash coming in.

My mate Adzy sent me a message. woo.