Wednesday, April 5
Finally started repairing my blog today. It is great to go back over the last 6-8 weeks and fill in those missing details and memories.
I’m really happy that I’ve kept up with the data somewhat. Just the act of revisiting what I wrote and what I took on my Camera is really filling in all of the blanks of what has happened over the last 2 months.🏆
I got the video of me and Alfredo. lol. It’s pretty good - can’t see too much but it definitely wasn’t the beating everyone claimed it was.
Went out drinking last night and brought a massive load of drugs I don’t want. This is bad - I haven’t had any of them yet but I think I’m going to just leave them here. By “massive” I mean cost - $700aud which is way more than I’ve ordered in a long, long time.
Beers at Shawns