
Monday, April 10

Watched Tusk and its hilarious. The negative reviews are totally unwarranted.

Ordered 2 pairs of barefoot shoes from amazon. Used Hugos postage box, which is awesome. I also ordered a new macbook pro charger for like 15 bucks which should be good. I need to ditch these birkenstocks - they’re the wrong size ad have completely butchered my ankle. I also need to lose weight - not happy with my health and its time to get all of this under control.

I’m sorting out my final panamanian documents now. I need to get a police check apostilled so I can finalise my residency status which is going to be awesome. Reached out to a bunch of mates and my older sister to make sure that I can get this badboy wrapped up which is going to be amazing

I had chocolate for the first time in ages today and holy shit it destroy me. There was an epic sugar crash and I just KO’d for ~4 hours. I do not need that shit in my body. No body needs that shit in their body. Fuck this.

I finally totally understand the way that experience.digital does income/revenue and its actually good. Never ever did I think it would be like this. Woo.

It was Nami’s birthday today and everyone, even her own family, forgot. I made sure to message all of our friends to reach out to her to make sure she had something. I also know she’s not coming back - we are done. Feels bad man. She was the sweetest thing ever, and I’ve learned that I need to better myself to have someone like her in the future. Best of luck baby girl.