
Thursday, April 13

Well, 3am beers with Veronica Sue means a nice 3am sleep time for me.

It was good - we solved a lot of work stuff today and it feels good man. Finally getting on top of most of the shit I’ve been neglecting for way too long.

I had no coffee and boy oh boy did that headache hurt.

I’ve been getting really interested into learning rust. I still want to finish off this purescript and haskell book, and start to really progress on some projects with it, but after this Rust will be coming in as a companion library to Haskell/Purescript and Rust.

I’m really interested in seeing how a non-GC language performs. My entire career has been in GC languages, and whilst Rust is a C style semi-functional language, I feel like it will be the perfect compliment to each other - FP for business logic, but Rust for any performance critical stuff.