
Friday, April 21

Spoke to Tommy last night and boy has he put on some weight. I had received an invite earlier that there was a townhall meeting, and I guessed that Gary Lo was leaving; and I was right. I liked Gary, but you know such is life I guesss 🤷‍♂️.

I always thought he was a bit of a pussy, and he apparently couldn’t deal with the exec team. Oh well, such is life.

I’m looking really forward to getting my Purescript back on. Since Nami has gone I’ve cleaned up huge parts of my life. It’s like I was constipated and I’ve just shat out all this blocked up stuff. 😅

This no sugar diet is going well. I think I’m through the worst of it now, food is finally tasting like food again. Its also tough not drinking - I want nothing more than to grab a cheeky tin and have a swig but I need to stay disciplined. I’m setting up a plan tomorrow to go and do some tourist shit, not sure what exactly but its about time I started doing this adventure shit.

Lets go! 🤙