
Tuesday, May 2

I woke up today and went and saw Eliot, a Panamanian rehab guy who lives in Barcelona that Randy recommended. He’s really good, but he did my least favourite thing in the worst and injected me with 3 needles. I was such a bitch; sweating and being dramatic etc. Still, apparently my ankle should start to feel much better soon (for $150USD I hope so πŸ˜…) so I’m looking forward to it.

This mother fucker:

Here are videos of me being a pussy :D

I told Hugo I’d I’d fight his builders for him :D

I called in sick to work today. I feel absolute rat shit - I think its a combination of the lack of sleep and the shitty food I’ve been eating. Whatever it is, I really need a change; I’m going a bit stir crazy at the moment. After this week I’m going to start planning out some serious trip time.

Finished setting up my laptop with Fedora Nobara today including trying out Steam. It’s really good - much better to work with lying down than this M1 Max is just due to it being lighter. I’m pretty happy with it, but what I’d really love is an M2 Air flashed with Fedora for maximum wins. I know that the Fedora guy recently did something like that so I kind of want to follow suite, but yeah funds needs to be directed elsewhere first.

Spoke to Smithy about the knees over toes stuff and he is already entirely across it. I know he fucked his back up years ago and mine isn’t getting any better, so I’m definitely getting on board with this. Whilst I’ve made a few fumbles diet wise, in general I’m living so much healthier than I have for so long - baby steps to where I want to go but its all beginning to come together

FINALLY SPOKE TO ADAM. WHAT A FUCKING TRIP. Turns out he just went on a month long 8ball cocaine adventure. Mate, I’ve been there and that shit will kill you. Looking forward to getting a better chat in with him tomorrow ❀️.

Spoke to Nami today and she got a book keeping sub contracting role! Its so good - I’m really proud of her. I wish she’d gotten it while we were together - I think it would have been so much more healthy for our relationship, but hey thats the way the cookie crumbles. Still, I won’t make the mistakes I made with her again - namely expecting her to go and do her own thing rather than not. I guess she’s young though so didn’t know better, but regardless shes an adult now doing adult stuff and I’m happy for her.

It’s 2am when I’m writing this and I still feel like shit. Fuck me.