
Wednesday, May 3

Man, woke up feeling slightly less shit this morning, but still terrible. I’m 100% sure its lack of sleep - getting onlder these days and I guess I can’t power code anymore. I just have this deep exhaustian in my body and its effecting me. Oh well, is what it is I guess.

I went for a walk today on my newly injected ankle and that was not the outcome I was hoping for. It was super stiff and super tight, and ended up being pretty unpleasant. The back of the calf where the achillies inserts into the muscle was also super sore. I’m wondering if the injections actually did work really well, and now that the swelling has gone down I can articulate my ankle much better, and now all the back of my ankle is really tight due to lack of movement for 3 months. Derp.

I’m taking this knee rehab thing seriously now. I walked down to the park and tried my first Poloquin step from the Knees Over Toes guy and man was it way harder than I expected. Way, way, way harder. Starting this week I am going to unbitch my body - now that I’m eating right I feel good in the mind, and now I need to feel good in the body.

Paid Hugo my dollarydoos!

We’ve got some progress on Fusion - we went out to Upwork and managed to find someone that specialises in Gecko webview for this nightmare Android app. James is pretty upset at the moment, but the truth is that none of it us we’ve just inherited the problems. I spoke to him and outlined the realities, and he was pretty responsive so hopefully it would be rad. now