
Monday, May 8

I woke up today with a belly fully of meat from last night. I only had something like 5? hours sleep, but I’m not sure so I rounded up my sleep hours but I dunno. I’ve felt wrecked all day and its almost certainly a result of the weekends cocaine binge. I really, really, really don’t like feeling this way and I’m stopping it.

Ive also been incredibly hungry today. It may be a lack of sleep - Nami had this great insight into how being tired makes you hungry.

Speaking of Nami I actually am missing her a fair bit. We spoke last night and she was crying she feels so lonely 😔. Her heart is too big and too sweet for this world, and I miss her derpiness and her daily stupid cute as fuck updates on her tasks.

Nushell is going pretty well. I think I’ve gotten rid of almost all of the issues I had with it, and the fact that it runs its own compiled programming language really appeals to me. No regrets moving to it, although the way that some plugins are working with it arent parsing how I’d expect. Still, very good upgrade.

Ok I had the coolest fucking thing happen today. Had a meeting with Grill’d with James. They had the Menu and Socket work on a screen that had built and they basically reversed-demo’d my own work to me, just asking for some uplifts on it. Essentially what is about to happen is that if we get Nando’s then I’ll be able to say that my work is being used daily all across Australia, and that is absolutely cool as fuck.

Its been a long time since I’ve enjoyed anything like this. This is what makes me want to build Damocles - the sheer awesomeness of that feeling 🤙. This has inspired me to write a new blog post I think.