
Monday, May 22

I had redbull today for the first time in like a year - man I hate that shit but it was the only way I could overcome the exhaustion. Fuckity fucksticks the tiredness is real. I think thats why I ended up crashing out so hard.

I was meant to go to BJJ today for the first time in 3 years, but Hector cancelled on me in the last few minutes. He had to take his dad to a medical appointment. Totally sucks, but I hope his old man is ok!

Had another job interview today. It pays really well, but I just want to take it on a second job. I like ED, I just want to do this role for ~3 months or so on the side and pick up some extra cash for this boat. Hopefully I can get this to happen but we’ll see.

This bad sleeping schedule is absolutely destroying me. I’m so wrecked its hard to really focus, but I’m hoping that I’m coming to the end of this shit soon.