
Sunday, May 28

Woke up after less than 4 hours of sleep but actually feel great. Having only a few drinks and no bags is a great way. It feels really good to start the week and not being crushed for once. I could get used to this :D

I KO’d on the couch last night after I came home - my clothes were absolutely drenched in sweat but I was tired enough that I didn’t do anything about it. I woke up this morning and had the best fucking shower of all time - that feeling of scrubbing filth off your body is something specialthat I can’t really define.

KO’d again at some weird ass time, but such is life. Having these micro naps is weirdly sustainable, but its not healthy for routine.

I’ve booked in for a massage on Tuesday morning. I’m having an hour long foot massage - essentially I want some angry Thai woman with a wooden stick to dig it into my fucked up ankle and hopefully cause any more damaged tissue to release. I’m expecting it to hurt and I’m expecting it to bruise, but I think I’ll feel much better about life after the process is complete. Woo

Epic monsoon weather in Panama today. Its so freaking good.