Monday, July 10
Woke up super early and went to the supermarket to purchase an insane amount of condiments and hotsauce. I have some meat that is 1.5 days out of due date, but I figure that 10 hours in the slow cooker will sterilise most of the bad stuff.
I literally got this 1L sized tubs of powdered pepper, paprika, garlic and onion. Since I intend to stay in Panama long term and will be on a boat soon I’m basically prepping condiments.
Worked all day on unfucking Steves work at Prendi. Man he’s got a good heart but his limited docker experience can be a mofo.
Had the weekly meeting with James and it actually went really well. Its great that we finally have made him happy. Woo.
Went for a walk to check out more boat holding yards