
Monday, September 11

Super generic day. Woke up and cleaned up the kitchen, including FINALLY taking out the trash. This was something I’d been needing to do for a while, and it felt good to get down to it.

Juan came around and I paid him for the bill for last month. Glad to get that monkey off my back. He said that just like me he was still fried from the cheeky Charlie rampage we went on over the weekend. He confirmed that Margaurita had said that the final boat payment finally arrived, and the phone call was basically her way of apologising. Still, she needs to shut the fuck up next time. Gotta get Nelson down to actually fix the engine.

The tree at Juan’s house fell down. Its a shame - I really liked the shade he had at the back of his place.

Got a message today saying that ED is thinking about making me part time. It worked out surprisingly well - one of our new clients Panpacific said if I can understand their Java code then I’ll get offered a job there. I can most definitely do this, so I’m going to leverage this opportunity to fucking bail from this ship.

To add insult to injury they also want hourly time tracking going forward. No worries - I’m now recording every single minute and every single second I do things. I’m going to invoice them on an hourly basis and when it massively blows the 35 hours / week I’m requested at they are going to pay every. single. dollar.

Suck it cunts.