
Wednesday, September 20

My phone made this for me today when I started moving videos over. This is from the day with Dan Smith when we went to that little private beach thingy off Santa Marta.

Woke up today feeling like absolute shit again. I have 2 common denominators here:

  • I’m not drinking coffee
  • I’m eating shit food.

I need to fix this. I’m both unmotivated and feeling like garbage. Here is my approach to getting this under control:

  • I’m going to back to hard fasting until dinner. As long as I don’t drink its not a problem.
  • I’m going to have coffee, but minimise both the amount of grounds in the basket and the amount of water in the jug.

Its 11:50am now and I’ve cleaned the house finally. It feels fucking good man. Its amazing the ratio between what shit food and caffeine abuse does to you.

I went for a walk around midday. First time I’ve really left the house in like 4 days - its so cliche but the mental clarity is real 🤙

I’ve never seen the canal so low - I’m not sure why its like this but I’m guessing its a mixture of the docks and the tide.

I went and had a look again at some of the unused/semi abandoned boat trailers near Diablo spinners

I’m thinking seriously about what Juan said - buy one, weld up arms for it and then use it for storage for 3/4 months.

During that walk I got stuck in a thunderstorm. Like, literal thunderstorm. No round, loud as fuck and right above you

I went back out for a walk around ~5:30pm just to get the body moving. Its amazing the difference that a clean house, washing done and all of my bags packed and ready to go. It feels fucking amazing to have my shit back together again like this.

Also, I’ve had none of the shit food and I feel excellent. Feeling focused and ready to go. Lets do this shit 🤙

SPEAKING OF SHIT - I walked home from Super Carnes and basically shat myself on the way back. The final 5 minutes walk up the hill was rough as guts, or like… rough as internal guts trying to leak out of your asshole.

I got in at exactly 7:30 for the tech lead standup, ran to the toilet, shat endlessly, wiped my ass and sat down for the meeting. I had Fusion standup right after and had to sit there, sweaty-wet and asshole half dirty after that filth that leaked out of it.

The shit and the shower were both exceptional. Anyway, heres a train