
Friday, September 22


Woke up today and got assualted by this big fluffy boi.

Not going to lie I was pretty nervous at the start, he was a giantdoggo and he could rip me apart but holy shit was he absolutely delightful. He ran away with his friend :(

I went out with Juan to go and meet the master craftsman whatever from Isla Flamenco marina. We booked an appointment and he’s coming out next week to review the boat 🤙

We were heading down to the Brisas dock and saw… this. They were never

I was hoping to remove the jib sail on the boat today. The day started off with no wind but it kicked in really, really fucking strong really early - as early as 9:00am or something.

Theres a fucking flower growing in my cross beams. This is why the entire deck needs to come out.

We spent the rest of the day clearing out the back section of the boat. There was so much extra shit in there the mind just boggles. It always surprises me how much crap I end up pulling out of this boat cycle-by-cycle

Anyway, here is Cristian in a hole:

We went and got some equipment from Novey and grabbed some cold coconuts on the way

We got stuck at Hacienda Colombiana and ended up having a massive margarita night. I managed to puke in the garden at the front of the venue and everything 😅