
Tuesday, September 26

My phone gave me another reel today - all of them with Nami. I really hope that wherever she is that she is doing well.

Woke up at 9:00am smack on the dot to Juan knocking on my door. I jumped in a car with Juan, Don Juan and Emilio and headed down to the dock.

Juan has concocted some scheme where he wants to use the guys at Isla Flamenco Marina and do some sort of group deal with the boats.

After that we were MEANT to go and meet the fiberglass guy, but he had cancelled.

To say I’m annoyed is an understatement. Anyway, here is a video of my boat I was meant to send to someone.

I ended up getting hammered and having margaritas with Cristian and Emilio at Hacienda Colombiana.

I ended up spewing my guts out at Hacienda Colombia like a pig. Holy shitballs.

I was hammered and here is my ride home that was important enough for me to film for some reason.